The article discusses the determinants of the bitcoin (BTC) price value, with particular emphasis on blockchain technology. The method of critical analysis of the literature on the subject was applied, and the state of knowledge in this field was established by juxtaposing different views of researchers on the BTC price value. It has been proven that BTC, being unquestionably a financial innovation, has been subjected to a free valuation of its price in the markets. While observing the development of BTC quotations, potential causes of numerous fluctuations in its market valuation were searched for. The article shows that the expectations related to the use of BTC are relatively highly valued by investors in modern financial markets. A more efficient currency, competition between currencies or the provision of new technological solutions may bring benefits to markets and economies, which, discounted at the present time, generate a certain value. Therefore, the paper shows that the BTC value creation mechanism is therefore different from that of fiat currencies. It has also been confirmed that the promotion of one of the most popular distributed data registers, which is blockchain, is of great value for BTC. BTC has led to the development of blockchain technology that is used in various segments of the economy. Basing BTC's operation on a public data register is the strength of the entire BTC network, but it also brings many risks and uncertainties. Further, research should focus on searching for the economic effects that result from the development of blockchain technology in modern economies.
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